WORKBOOKS | Level | File |
Kinetics | A level | File |
Amount of substance | AS level | File |
QUICK-CHECKS | Level | File |
Kp A | A level | File |
Biochemistry A | A level | File |
Structure & bonding D | AS level | File |
Ionisation energies A | AS level | File |
Atomic Structure C | GCSE | File |
Periodic Table C | GCSE | File |
WORKSHEETS | Level | File |
Reactions of aldehydes and ketones | A level | File |
Kp problems | A level | File |
Reactions of halogenoalkanes 1 | AS level | File |
ToF mass spectrometry 2 | AS level | File |
Relative atomic mass | GCSE | File |
Transition metals | GCSE | File |
Drawing graphs 4 | KS3 | File |
Speed of dissolving | KS3 | File |
PRACTICALS | Level | File | Technician | Grid | Model |
Finding activation energy | A level | File | Tech | Grid | Model |
Water of crystallisation | AS level | File | Tech | Grid | Model |
Effect of concentration on rate 1 | GCSE | File | Tech |
AS/A LEVEL EXTRAS | Level | File |
Atomic structure 2 | AS level | File |
Organic introduction 4 | AS level | File |
Transition metals 2 | A level | File |
POWERPOINTS | Level | File |
Electrochemistry | A level | File |
Reactions of Period 3 elements | A level | File |
Biochemistry | A level | File |
Structure types | AS level | File |
Reactions of halogenoalkanes | AS level | File |
IR Spectroscopy | AS level | File |
Cells and batteries | GCSE | File |
Chromatography | GCSE | File |
Polymers | GCSE | File |
Elements, mixtures and compounds 1 | KS3 | File |
Solutions | KS3 | File |
Organic compounds card sort | GCSE | File |
Air pollution card sort | GCSE | File |
Is it a chemical cards? | KS3 | File |
Reaction with oxygen card activity | KS3 | File |